Phase IIA Construction in Progress
21st Century Library, John C. Hitt Library Posted: February 3rd, 2022
The 21st Century Library continues to evolve with Phase IIA, the renovation of the library’s third floor. Demolition, renovation, and inspections will take place on the third floor until projected completion in spring/summer 2023.
The third floor will remain closed during this phase of the project. Stairwells and elevators are marked with signs and caution tape as a reminder that the floor is not accessible.
Most third floor materials have been added to the ARC. Media and microforms have moved to the first floor. Current periodicals have moved to the fourth floor. Newspapers and magazines have moved to the second floor by the Circulation Desk.
Phase IIA design improvements include a Graduate Student Commons, 30 group study rooms, 520 public seats, 36 desktop PC stations, shelving for 35,000 volumes, and an office suite for subject liaison librarians. For more information regarding the project, please visit our 21st Century Library page.