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Posts Tagged: research tips thursdays

Research tips thursday

Meet your new BFF – Style Guides!

Sometimes the best friend you can have seems more like an enemy at first glance. Have you cursed APA, MLA, or Chicago style as you are struggling to finish up a big paper? Find out why, once you get to know them a little better, style guides can make the research and writing process so much easier! For more information visit our Research Tips Thursday Guide

Research tips thursday

Take Advantage of Student Support Services!

Sometimes at a university like UCF, it can feel so big that you don’t know where to turn when you need a little extra support. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! There are tons of services freely available to UCF students. Whether you need help:

  • refining your research question,
  • understanding complex topics,
  • or honing your writing skills,

help is just a click or call away. Check out this week’s Research Tip Thursday for information about how to get the support you need when you need it most.

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