News & Blog

Featured Bookshelf: Back-to-School

It’s August already and the summer is almost over. Time really does fly by. June and July were tiny blips on the calendar. It feels like just last week that spring classes were ending and summer classes beginning.

School will be starting up again in a few short weeks. We’ll have a full cohort of students back on campus. The lines for coffee will be never ending and a free parking space will be nowhere to be found. Life will definitely get more exciting.

UCF Libraries faculty and staff suggested a stack of books to help you get back in the mindset for learning. They range from academic subjects to fun fiction to college success tips.

Welcome to the 2018-19 academic year!

Click on the link below to see the full list, descriptions, and catalog links for the featured Back-so-School titles suggested by UCF Library employees. These 20 books plus many more are also on display on the 2nd (main) floor of the John C. Hitt Library next to the bank of two elevators.

Featured Bookshelf: Back-to-School

ARC Interior Row

The ARC in Action

Our robotic arms in the new Automated Retrieval Center (ARC) at the John C. Hitt Library are in the final stages of testing before they become fully operational. Once testing is complete, we will begin transferring UCF’s collection of books from the John C. Hitt Library into the ARC.

When the 21st Century Library project is complete, 1.25 million volumes will be contained in the ARC. About 300,000 volumes will remain on open stacks for browsing. Virtual browsing will be made available.

Welcome for International Graduate Students

Please join us for a coffee and conversation style event to learn how the UCF Libraries support our international graduate students and their research. This two-hour orientation is designed for new and returning international students. Resources and services for both online and in person support will be introduced. In addition to learning about the Libraries’ collections that will primarily support your research and teaching, attendees will learn about the Subject Librarian Service Model at UCF and have the opportunity to meet with the librarians in their subject areas.


Refreshments will be provided.

  • Where: John C. Hitt Library (main campus), Room 223
  • When: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 – 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon


Please click the link below to register – (or copy and paste the link into your browser).

International Graduate Student Registration


For questions about registration, please contact or

New Books at John C. Hitt

July New Books at the John C. Hitt Library

New books to the left of you. New books to the right of you. New books on the shelves. New books all around.

New books enter the UCF Libraries system on a regular basis. At the John C. Hitt Library, we select those with interesting titles, eye-catching dust jackets, or timely topics to feature on a display. The books range in subject from photography, science, and history to poetry, novels, and biographies. The display, which is next to the seating area at the Research & Information Desk, changes on a weekly basis.

Stop by. Maybe there will be one you want to take home with you.

Here is a small selection of the 57 books that are currently on the display which ranges from American History and poetry to education and FIFA scandals:

Cover image of 6 new books on display

To keep up with all the new additions to the New Book Display, follow our guide.

Pardon our Duck

Noise alert, John C. Hitt Library

From now through early August, it is expected that construction noise will increase in the John C. Hitt Library.
Demolition of the north side of the 1st floor of the building is underway, and can be seen from outside the building or from upper floors. Equipment is being used to tear off the metal roof of the 1st floor section that protrudes toward the Student Union. This is the area previously occupied by Government Documents and a cluster of 1st floor study rooms. This entire area on the inside has been cleared of ceiling, walls and flooring. Over the coming weeks it will get particularly noisy on the north end, as contractors break up the concrete slab and the subsurface vertical concrete wall facing the ARC building. The library has requested that contractors do whatever possible to mitigate the noise.

The 1st floor remains closed. Earplugs are available at the Circulation Desk. The 5th floor silent study zone is open, and is not on the same side of the building as the excessive noise.

We are sorry for the inconvenience and the disturbance. Thank you Knights—charge on!

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