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Category: All Libraries

Research Tips Thursday: Keeping Calm During the Research Process

Projects piling up? Finals got you stressed? The library has the resources you need to complete your projects and end the semester on a high note! Whether you are on campus or afar, we’re here to help.

You can view the full Research Tips Thursday series at

Ask A Librarian Featured Questions

Ask A Librarian Featured Question: April 2021

For April we look at a frequent question, “How do I renew books?”

To renew both books checked out from UCF Libraries or books checked out through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) you will need to go to the My Account page

UCF Libraries books can be renewed by clicking on the Catalog Login button under the Library Catalog Account. Log in with your NID and password and on the next page look for the loans/renewals button. Click the Renew button next to the title you want to renew or to renew all click on the Renew all UCF items button. 

Interlibrary Loan books can be renewed by clicking on the ILLiad Login button under Interlibrary Loan. Click on the Login button on the next page and enter in your NID and password. Look for the menu on the left and under View click on the link: Checked Out Items.  Click on the transaction number by the book you want to renew. Click Renew Request at the top of the screen.

The video that was here is out of date and has been archived. Click here to download the video for viewing.

Free Student Printing at UCF Libraries

Free Student Printing now at UCF Libraries

UCF Libraries, UCF IT, and UCF Student Government have collaborated to bring Free Student Printing to all UCF Libraries locations!

Starting April 19th, 2021, students will now be able to use their weekly $2.00 print funds provided by Student Government towards the cost of printing at UCF Libraries locations.

  • Print jobs will automatically deduct from the $2.00 SG Print Funds first
  • If additional funding is required for the print job(s), it be deducted from student’s Knight Cash account
  • Standard Library Printing Rates apply
    • $0.08 B&W / Monochrome (per side, 8.5″x11″ Letter)
    • $0.30 Color (per side, 8.5″x11″ Letter)
  • SG Print Funds are refreshed on a weekly basis

To begin using, simply log onto any UCF Libraries computer with your NID / NID Password and send your jobs to either the “LIB B&W Public” or “LIB Color Public” printer. Both jobs can be released at any Toshiba MFP (Multi-Function Printer). Additional printing instructions can be viewed here.

Have more questions? Stop by the LibTech Desk for friendly assistance at the John C. Hitt Library.

Complete the Minimizing Misinformation Challenge

All 5 challenges of the Spring 2021 Minimizing Misinformation series are ready for you to flex your muscles and test your information fluency skills.

Remember the more challenges you complete, the more prizes you win!

1 challenge = Coveted UCF Libraries Sticker pack
3 challenges = UCF Libraries duckie Temporary Tattoo
5 challenges = Grand prize pack!

Open to UCF students, faculty and staff!

Research Tips Thursday: Evaluating News Sources

So much news…and not news…so little time! Use these four steps to help you quickly evaluate news items to give you the best opportunity to make informed decisions.

You can view the full Research Tips Thursday series at

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