Category: John C. Hitt Library


Now Open for Quiet Study: 235A, Main Floor

Room 235A, in the Infusion/Java City area on the main floor, will be open for quiet study to alleviate crowding in the remaining 4th floor quiet study area on the “Reflecting Pond” side of the John C. Hitt Library. The “back half” of the 4th floor is closed for the installation of sprinklers for fire safety.

We are sorry for the inconvenience, noise, and dust.

Knight Reads

New Knight Reads Titles

Knight Reads is our collection of popular fiction and non-fiction reading. There are Knight Reads collections in the John C. Hitt Library and in the Rosen Library.

Check out these titles we just added to the Knight Reads shelves in the John C. Hitt Library:

knight reads march 2017

If you’d like to suggest a title to add to Knight Reads, please email it to


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Noise and Closure Alerts, beginning 3/20

3rd Floor

Restrooms on the 3rd floor in the “back half” of the building will remain closed for renovation.

4th Floor

Starting Monday night, 3/20, the “Student Union side” of the 4th floor of the John C. Hitt Library will be closed for the installation of sprinklers. Materials in call numbers N through QP will be inaccessible, but can be requested online, please see a staff member for assistance. Items will be retrieved several times daily, and can be picked up at the Circulation Desk. It is estimated that this work will be completed around 5/1/17. Over the next months the entire building will be fitted with fire sprinklers as part of the ongoing work on the 21st Century Library project.

5th Floor

Work continues on the study area of the 5th floor. When completed, the area will offer students a bright, new, space for silent, individual study, research, reflection, and coursework.


More information about the 21st Century Library project is at: You can check there for any work alerts. Earplugs remain available at the Circulation Desk.

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Noise and Closure Alerts

Spring Break closures include:

** The back half of the second (main) floor of the John C. Hitt Library will be closed, starting Friday evening, March 10, and reopening on Monday, March 20. Turner construction will be installing fire sprinklers in the area. You can request items from the Reference collection, located in the work area, to be retrieved for you. There is an online form linked to
Over the next months the entire building will be fitted with fire sprinklers as part of the ongoing work on the 21st Century Library project.

**Restrooms on the 3rd floor in the “back half” of the building will remain closed for renovation. The 4th floor restrooms in the “back” of the building have re-opened.

More information about the 21st Century Library project is at: You can check there for any work alerts. Earplugs remain available at the Circulation Desk.

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Win Prizes with the UCF Mobile App

In Spring of 2017, UCF is piloting location based notifications with the UCF Mobile app. These notifications will only be available if you enter a specific location on campus. This includes the John C. Hitt Library, Technology Commons, and Technology Product Center.

When you view a notification through the UCF Mobile app, you will be taken to a survey for your feedback. If you complete the survey, you will be entered to win a prize! Prizes include a set of Beats headphones, and an exclusive UCF Libraries Citronaut shirt.

The project concludes on March 30, 2017.

To participate:

We welcome your feedback as we evaluate this technology. Questions? Email


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