Category: John C. Hitt Library

closures map banner

Noise and Closure Alerts, beginning 5/17

1st & 2nd Floors

Restrooms on the 1st and 2nd Floors in the “back half” of the building are closed for renovation. Newly renovated restrooms are open on the 3rd and 4th Floors.

4th Floor

The “front half” of library is closed on the 4th Floor for the installation of sprinklers. Need a book on shelves QR-Z? Find it in our catalog and click on the “Place a Hold” link. You will be notified by email when you can pick up your book at the Circulation Desk.

5th Floor

Quiet Study space remains closed for Construction.

North Stairwell

Closed on all floors, use only in case of emergency.

More information about the 21st Century Library project is at: You can check there for any work alerts. Earplugs remain available at the Circulation Desk.

Knight Reads

New Knight Reads Titles

Knight Reads is our collection of popular fiction and non-fiction reading. There are Knight Reads collections in the John C. Hitt Library and in the Rosen Library.

Check out these titles we just added to the Knight Reads shelves in the John C. Hitt Library:

Knight Reads May 2017

If you’d like to suggest a title to add to Knight Reads, please email it to


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Noise and Closure Alerts, beginning 5/3

2nd Floor

Java City area closed.  Knowledge Commons remains open.  Use bank of three elevators to access InterLibrary Loan, Mezzanine Restrooms, and 5th floor (Acquisitions, Administration, Cataloging, Special Collections).  Request Knight Reads via the online catalog or at Circulation Services.  South stairwell closed on 2nd floor unless in case of emergency.  Use elevators or Front, East, or West stairwells.

3rd Floor

Restrooms on the 3rd floor in the “back half” of the building remain closed for renovation.

4th Floor

The 4th has re-opened, all seating and restrooms are open.

5th Floor

Quiet Study space remains closed for Construction.

North Stairwell

Closed on all floors, use only in case of emergency.


More information about the 21st Century Library project is at: You can check there for any work alerts. Earplugs remain available at the Circulation Desk.

Monday is Zen Day in the John C. Hitt Library

Join us on Monday, May 1st from 9am-5pm in John C. Hitt Library room 223 if you’re looking for a space to chill out.

Meditation classes will be held at 10am & 1pm. Bring your own yoga mat, or use one of the mats provided by Wellness & Health Promotion Services.

21st Century Library concept exterior

98 seats open up on 4th floor

Good news! 98 seats and the newly-remodeled restroom have now opened up on the quiet 4th floor of the John C. Hitt Library. These seats are located next to the windows on the “south” side of the floor. Work continues on the remainder of that half of the floor, which is still covered with a curtain of black plastic. So it is possible that construction noise will be a part of your experience there for the rest of the semester. 235A and 235C remain open for quiet study. Remember that earplugs are available at the Circulation Desk, if you need them.
Thanks for enduring the inconvenience, Knights; it’s part of getting ready for the 21st Century Library.

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