Category: John C. Hitt Library

Construction Duck

U. S. Documents affected by 1st floor closure

Because of the preliminary construction on the 1st floor, about 40% of print U.S. Documents are temporarily stored offsite and are completely inaccessible. The remaining materials are accessible for staff to retrieve for patrons, but the 1st floor is closed to the public through the end of September.

Our UCF Ask A Librarian service will attempt to verify the availability of specific items. They will pass along requests to Government Documents librarian, Rich Gause, for anything they cannot locate.

See the guide at for more information.
Thank you for your patience!

Attention Banner

Noise Alert! Starting Tuesday, 6/19

Pardon our DuckStarting Tuesday June 19th, you may hear intermittent popping, banging, drilling and grinding noise as contractors begin construction of a temporary wall on the 1st floor of the John C. Hitt Library. The wall is the first step in a 16 month project to connect the current library building to the ARC. This phase of the project will include the new 2nd floor entrance to the building on the “Student Union side”, as well as new staff and user space.

Earplugs can be requested at the Circulation Desk. The new, 170 seat, 5th floor Quiet Study Zone is almost complete and is open for student use. It is located at the front of the building, away from the construction noise. Some of the noise may be detected from there, but it should be quieter.

Pardon our dust. Thank you, Knights, for your patience. Charge on.

Decorative pegasus banner

Library Workshops for Undergraduates

Calling all UCF Undergraduate Students!

UCF Libraries needs your help to design practical and useful workshops for student life. The survey, which will take about 8-10 minutes, will ask you about your study and research habits, as well as your experience using library resources and services. Your input will help us, help you. Take a few minutes of your time and follow this link:

Look for new Undergraduate Workshops coming in Fall 2018.

If you have questions, concerns, or complaints contact Andrew Hackler, UCF Libraries, IT&R, (407) 823-0804 or by email at

LGBTQIA Pride Month Events

LGBTQIA Pride Month Events at UCF Libraries

While every day is a time to celebrate your identity and orientation, June is a notable month set aside to loudly and proudly celebrate with and for the LGBTQIA community. Here at UCF Libraries we are loudly proud of everyone at UCF who identifies as part of the queer community. In recognition of and support for our LGBTQIA Knights, we are hosting a series of displays and events including a UCF Remembers display from the Pulse Collection, a featured bookshelf, three film screenings and discussions, and our new Speak Your Truth: A Queer History of UCF project.



Attention Banner

1st Floor Closure Begins May 29

Pardon our DuckBeginning Tuesday, May 29, the 1st floor of the John C. Hitt Library will be closed to prepare for and start construction.

Please pardon the noise, dust, and inconvenience.

Need a book on shelves A – F? Find it in the library catalog, and click on the “Request” link. You will be notified when you can pick up your book at the Circulation Desk on the main (2nd) floor.

Assistance with Government Documents and the documents collection can be requested at the Research and Information Desk on 2nd (main) floor.
Earplugs remain available at the Circulation Desk.

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