Featured Bookshelf: Knight Reads
Featured Bookshelf Posted: January 21st, 2020For the month of January, UCF Libraries’ featured bookshelf presents books from our Knight Reads section. Located on the 2nd (main) floor of the John C. Hitt Library, this featured display is just a small sample of our abundant collection of popular fiction and nonfiction reading. There are Knight Reads collections in both the John C. Hitt Library and the Rosen Library.
To see a full list of the featured titles with descriptions, click on the link below.
January Featured Bookshelf: Knight Reads
These books typically get checked out pretty quickly so if you notice that a book you want is checked out, you can always complete an ILL request so you can borrow it from another library. Check out the link below. More often than not, we also carry another copy of a Knight Reads book in our general collection so feel free to scope out the catalog as well.
How to place an ILL Request, or an Interlibrary Loan
Happy reading!