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Women's History Month

Women’s History Month @ UCF Libraries

UCF Libraries has jumped wholeheartedly into Women’s History Month 2020 with the help of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program and faculty from various disciplines across UCF.

Women First at UCF Project

Tuesday, March 3, 2020
4:00 – 6:00 pm
John C. Hitt Library room 223

Friday, February 28th through Sunday, April 19th, 2020

The Women First at UCF Project is a collaboration between Dr. M. C. Santana (Women’s and Gender Studies), Dr. Robert Cassanello (History), Mary Rubin, Eli Jimenez, and Christopher Saclolo (Special Collections & University Archives). In this interdisciplinary project, the exhibit team envisioned documenting the legacy of women who occupied a rank, position or graduation as first in their field. Our desire was to create awareness of the impact and work of hundreds of women in our university’s history.

The exhibit will be on display in the UCF John C. Hitt Library from February 28 through April 30, 2020.

The Women First at UCF exhibit reception is on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, from 4:00 – 6:00 pm in John C. Hitt Library 223.

Film: Filthy Dreamers

Wednesday, March 4, 2020
2:00 – 4:00 pm
John C. Hitt Library room 223

Join UCF Libraries for a film screening of the College Television Emmy award winning documentary, Filthy Dreamers. This student-produced project focuses on efforts to restrict academic freedom for women who attended Florida State College for Women in the late 1920s. Project faculty advisors Dr. Robert Cassanello and Dr. Lisa Mills with be joined by narrator Dr. Connie Lester to facilitate a discussion after the screening.

WomanFest 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020
John C. Hitt Library room 223

Women in Academia panel – 10:00 – 11:00 am

UCF faculty members Dr. Linda Walters (Biology, Center for Success of Women Faculty), Dr. Amelia Lyons (History), Dr. Nessette Falu (Anthropology), and Dr. RoSusan Bartee (Educational Leadership and Higher Education) discuss their career paths, how to find a work/life balance, and their struggles faced and battles won as women in higher education. Panel moderated by Dr. Leandra Preston-Sidler (Women & Gender Studies).

Women and Body Image Workshop & Lunch – 12:00 – 1:30 pm – RSVP required

The Renfrew Center for Eating Disorders will provide lunch and a presentation on body image, health, and wellness. Event is limited to 50 participants. Please RSVP at:

Women’s History Trivia Contest – 2:00 – 3:30 pm

How much do you know about women’s history? UCF Libraries and the Women & Gender Studies Program are hosting a rousing pub-style trivia game featuring questions about interesting women in history, female firsts at UCF, and songs by well-known female musicians. Make new friends as we play in teams. Will you come out on top?

Women in STEM @ UCF panel

Wednesday, March 25, 2020
11:00 – 12:30 pm
John C. Hitt Library room 223

Join the Libraries for a panel discussion focusing on UCF female faculty’s experiences working in STEM disciplines and hear what actions they would like to see to increase female student participation in STEM fields. Panelists are Dr. Adrienne Dove (Planetary Sciences), Dr. Charissa de Bekker (Biology), Dr. Azadeh Vosoughi (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science), Dr. Helen Huang (Mechanical Engineering), and Dr. Candice Bridge (Forensic Science). Moderated by Sandy Avila (Libraries’ Science Subject Librarian).

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