Faculty Support: UCF Libraries’ Research Videos on Vimeo
All Libraries, Digital Support, Learning Engagement, Research Engagement Posted: June 29th, 2020
Are you looking for videos about library research to add to your online courses? Do you wish there was a quick way to show students that there’s more to doing research than just searching Google? Well, look no further. Check out UCF Libraries on Vimeo at https://vimeo.com/ucflibraries
Our videos cover a range of topics, from short demonstrations of how to navigate our homepage and find ebooks to recorded webinars on plagiarism, basic statistics, and presentation skills. You can also find playlists of videos organized by topic, like business research, citation, and Google Scholar, in the showcases https://vimeo.com/ucflibraries/albums
Not finding what you’re looking for? Let us know. We’d love to hear your ideas about videos you’d like for your classes. Reach out to your subject librarian or to instruct@ucf.edu with your thoughts.