Welcome to the seventh installment of Diamond’s Hidden Gems, a blog series in which I introduce you to the University of Central Florida’s library services that you may not have known about!
Considering the majority of titles you can grab off of the shelves in the UCF John C. Hitt Library are academic journals and articles, it can difficult to find current, popular titles and YA novels.
While physical access to these novels may seem impossible, UCF actually has two sections in which you can find popular titles.
Read on below to learn about Knight Reads, New Books, and how to access the catalogs for popular titles!
You have access to two collections located on the 2nd floor: Knight Reads and New Books. Knight Reads is located across from the Java City, near the pond entrance of the library and New Books is located right beside the
Circulation Desk, near the Student Union entrance.
Both of these library sections/areas house current, popular titles. If you are looking for some of the newest fiction, non-fiction, graphic, and YA novels, please browse the catalogs and visit the displays to pick out a title! The New Books section, for example, has subjects ranging from photography, science, and history to poetry and biographies.
If you’d rather navigate from the UCF Libraries website, you can make use of the filters on the left-hand side bar. Open the “Library Section/Area” dropdown menu and select either “Knight Reads” or “New Books 2nd Floor”.
If you’d like to learn more about the sections and how to access their respective catalogs, please check out “Diamond’s Hidden Gems – Knight Reads & New Books” in STARS.