Library Author Spotlight Series: Books
All Libraries, Celebrate UCF Libraries Posted: January 21st, 2021You may go to the library building or website to look for books, but did you know the library has authors, too? Your very own UCF librarians have written, edited, and translated books!
Peruse the list below about books by our very own Peggy Nuhn, Tina Buck, Sara Duff, Cynthia Kisby, Sai Deng, Larry Cooperman, Penny Beile, Jeremy Lucas, Barbara Tierney, and Rich Gause.

Peggy Nuhn
Published November 2020
Peggy Nuhn is our UCF Connect Librarian for Seminole State College at the Sanford/Lake Mary Campus. This research-based book with practical applications emphasizes the importance of informed and collaborative library support for transfer students at universities and community colleges to offset “transfer shock” and support institutional initiatives. For more, you can follow Peggy on Twitter @InfoLitMatters1 and Karen Kaufmann @literacyfan.
Supporting Transfer Student Success: The Essential Role of College and University Libraries by Peggy L. Nuhn and Karen F. Kaufmann

Tina Buck and Sara Duff
Published October 2020
Tina Buck is our Electronic Resources Librarian, and Sara Duff is our Acquisitions Librarian. This book offers practical advice for librarians hoping to transition into a different type or size of institution.
Guidance for Librarians Transitioning to a New Environment by Tina Herman Buck and Sara Duff

Cynthia Kisby
Published May 2020
Cynthia Kisby is our Interim Associate Director for Administrative Services. This readers’ advisory of 100 books, by experts, examines various views on how to take care of ourselves, and it directs readers to titles that explore how we develop our thinking, behaviors, and contributions.
100 Books to Think About by Cynthia M. Kisby

Sai Deng
Published 2014-2020
Sai Deng is our Metadata Librarian. Sai has translated and edited several books. Walks in the City of Canton was written by John Henry Gray of Christ’s College, Cambridge who came to China and became the inaugural Archdeacon of Hong Kong in 1868 and previously served as the Consular Chaplain at Canton. It was initially published in 1875 and is the first book of its kind which introduces the City of Canton comprehensively and sympathetically by a westerner. It offers seven itineraries for walking in the city of Canton, with extensive references to historical, political, economic, social and ethnographical background and accounts. Since the 17th century, many Westerners, including government officials, military personnel, businessmen, missionaries, scholars and travelers, have come to China for various purposes and carried out various activities. Chinese Studies in the West: The Chinese Record is series which includes reprints of western books that are the personal experiences of and records left by these Westerners about China in the public domain, with Chinese introductions of each book and translations of the books’ main information.
Chinese Studies in the West: The Chinese Record, volume 12 (2020), edited and translated by Sai Deng and Guoqing Li
《广州七天》(Walks in the City of Canton) by John Henry Gray (2019), translated by Guoqing Li and Sai Deng
Chinese Studies in the West: The Chinese Record, volume 11 (2019), edited and translated by Sai Deng and Guoqing Li
Chinese Studies in the West: The Chinese Record, volume 10 (2018), edited and translated by Guoqing Li and Sai Deng
Reaching Beyond Ourselves: Celebrating 40 Years of CALA (1973 – 2013) (2014), edited by Sai Deng and Priscilla Yu

Larry Cooperman
Published 2018 and 2015
Larry Cooperman is an Adjunct Librarian for Research & Information Services. The Art of Teaching Online: How to Start and How to Succeed as an Online Instructor focuses on professionals who are not teachers, but who wish to enter the online education field as instructors in their disciplines. Managing the One-Person Library provides a useful and needed resource for solo librarians confronted with the challenges of running a small library.
The Art of Teaching Online: How to Start and How to Succeed as an Online Instructor (2018) by Larry Cooperman
Managing the One-Person Library (2015) by Larry Cooperman

Penny Beile
Published 2009
Dr. Penny Beile is our Associate Director for Research, Education & Engagement for the UCF Libraries. This book describes the development and validation of an information literacy assessment scale specific to education. The work has been recognized for its technical merit in describing validation procedures for test creation and for revisiting the discussion of traditional versus modern approaches to validating cognitive assessment instruments.
Measuring Information Literacy Skills in Education: Development and Validation of a Standards-based Assessment Scale by Penny Beile

Jeremy Lucas
Published 2009
Jeremy Lucas is an Adjunct Librarian for Research & Information Services. When Senator Barack Obama rose to the stage in Philadelphia on March 18, 2008 to address the fiery sermons of his long-time friend and mentor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the soon-to-be president referred to an old truism that “the most segregated hour in American life occurs on Sunday morning.” This book is a short, historical guide through some of the events and people that helped to shape that most segregated hour, a 100-year account of the years between the American Civil War and the end of the Civil Rights Movement.
The Segregated Hour: A Layman’s Guide to the History of Black Liberation Theology by Jeremy D. Lucas

Barbara Tierney
Published 2008 and 2006
Barbara Tierney is our Department Head of Research & Information Services. The two books are guides for information commons—what they are, and how to develop them.
Transforming Library Service Through Information Commons: Case Studies for the Digital Age (2008) by D. Russell Bailey and Barbara Gunter Tierney
The Information Commons Handbook (2006) by Donald Robert Beagle, contributions from Donald Russell Bailey and Barbara Tierney

Rich Gause
Published 1985
Rich Gause is our Government Information Librarian. This is a cookbook with recipes arranged according to the Dewey Decimal Classification system and was produced by the student organization of the School of Library and Information Studies, Florida State University.
The SOLTAS Kitchen Shelflist edited by Carol Malcolm and Rich Gause
We hope you enjoyed reading about books written, edited, or translated by our very own librarians. This is the first post in a series of library employee author spotlights. For questions, please reach out to Lily Dubach.