Free Book! Entrepreneurship for Physicists
All Libraries Posted: April 6th, 2018
Entrepreneurship for Physicists A practical guide to move inventions from university to market is free* for a limited time only!
Entrepreneurship for Physicists is now yours, FREE! This is an excellent book for anyone with an interest in learning how to turn their physics education into a marketable business plan and we invite you to download a complimentary copy today.
This book offers a concise analysis of the key ingredients that enable physicists to successfully move their idea from a university education to the marketplace, bringing added value to their customers. It dives into a set of theories, models, and tools that play fundamental roles in technology transfer including topics often neglected by other books including trust, communication, and persuasion. It also explains how most of the topics discussed are applicable to careers in a broader sense.
Author Davide Iannuzzi has developed an in-depth knowledge of the technology transfer process that brings scientific ideas to market and is an entrepreneur himself.
Check out over 200 online books published by the Institute of Physics (IOP) provided to you by the UCF Libraries.