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Category: Events

STEM Workshops: Research, Data & Tools

Planning Your Literature Review

Tuesday, October 15, 2019
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Classroom Bldg. I, Room 220

Good strategies provide a sound basis for planning your literature review. The first part of this session highlights strategies for conducting literature searches, identifying related sources, staying up to date on relevant publications, and Google Scholar tips. The second-part of the session will introduce STEM resources and citation management tools (EndNote, RefWorks, & Mendeley). Please bring your laptop or device for hands-on practice.

To register for this session, please use the following link Planning Your Literature Review

Flex Your Data Management Muscles

Tuesday, November 12, 2019
4:00-pm 5:00 pm
Classroom Bldg. I, Room 220

Healthy data management builds a foundation for strong research. Exercise your abilities to document, store, and share data using data management processes and tools. This session will cover the components of a data management plan and introduce participants to the DMPTool. Please bring your laptop or device for hands-on practice

To register for this session, please use the following link Flex Your Data Management Muscles

Please join us in the Spring 2020 for workshops on Data Visualization and Research Impact Metrics. Check UCF Libraries Events Page for details to follow:

For registration questions, please contact or

Cults & Charisma a film series

Cults & Charisma Film Series

From megalomaniac leaders to mass suicides, the word cult is an overwhelmingly negative one in popular culture. This series digs deeper by considering what draws people to such groups, how charisma is constructed, and how boundaries between religions and cults are delineated.  Each movie will be followed by a facilitated discussion by a religion and cultural studies faculty member.

Jonestown: The Life and Death of the Peoples Temple
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
3:00pm – 5:00pm
John C. Hitt Library 223

Featuring never-before-seen footage, this documentary delivers a startling new look at the Peoples Temple, headed by preacher Jim Jones who, in 1978, led more than 900 members to Guyana, where he orchestrated a mass suicide via tainted punch.

Facilitated by Dr. Christy Flanagan-Feddon

TheTrials of Muhammad Ali
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
3:00pm – 5:00pm
John C. Hitt Library 223

The Trials of Muhammad Ali investigates its extraordinary and often complex subject’s life outside the boxing ring. From joining the controversial Nation of Islam and changing his name from Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali, to his refusal to serve in the Vietnam War in the name of protesting racial inequality, to his global humanitarian work, Muhammad Ali remains an inspiring and controversial figure.

Facilitated by Dr. Michael Mohammed Knight

Tuesday, November 12, 2019
3:00pm – 5:00pm
John C. Hitt Library 223

A documentary about a man who impersonates a wise Indian Guru and builds a following in Arizona. At the height of his popularity, the Guru Kumaré must reveal his true identity to his disciples and unveil his greatest teaching of all.

Facilitated by Dr. Ann Gleig

Fall 2019 Movie series sponsored by the Religion and Cultural Studies Program and co-hosted by UCF Libraries.

Research Tips Tuesdays

Research Tips Tuesdays

Want to get the most out of the library resources in your field? Looking to brush up on your search skills? Join us online from 10:30-11:30, Tuesday, September 10, 2019 for the first Research Tips Tuesday of the semester! This month we will be exploring how to identify and locate the best resources for your major.

In this workshop, we will explore:

  • How to identify and contact your subject librarian
  • Using the library research guides to get your started
  • Tips for identifying important resources in your field of study
  • Using the advanced search features of subject databases to find what you need

RSVP for this, and other sessions this semester at:

Research Road Trip

UCF Libraries and the Pegasus Palooza Road Trip

Welcome, Knights! Join UCF Libraries on a grand tour road trip to help Knightro and friends find their way around the library.

Knight Travel Trivia Contest
Tuesday, August 27th
John C. Hitt Library, 223

Come challenge your fellow Knights to see who knows the most about UCF and road trips. The winning team takes home prizes!

Knightro’s Research Road Trip
Wednesday, August 28th
2:00 – 4:00PM
John C. Hitt Library, main floor

Knightro is going on a research road trip and needs to pick up all his friends! Venture into the John. C Hitt Library where you will use your research savvy to find clues & solve puzzles and locate Knightro’s road trip pals. Several excursions will help you discover the research skills you need for academic success. Highly trained Knights should be able to locate everyone in 20 minutes and all Knights who collect stickers for each friend will be rewarded with a snack and be entered to win prizes! The first 150 students earn an exclusive UCF Libraries’ water bottle and InSomnia Cookie.

Thursday, August 29th
John C. Hitt Library, room 235C

New to UCF, let us help make research stress free! Looking for time-savers when hunting for books and journal articles? Come meet helpful librarians and learn how the Libraries can make your life easier. One lucky attendee will win a prize pack (including an exclusive UCF Libraries water bottle)! Author Megan Haught

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