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Category: All Libraries

Downtown Library Film Discussion: A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night

Join Downtown Campus Library for a virtual film discussion, open to all UCF and Valencia students, faculty, and staff. We will be discussing A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, available for free streaming on Kanopy. This is not a group watching event, so watch the film beforehand and come ready to discuss. The discussion will take place on June 26th at 6:00pm on Zoom. Click here to sign up! On the day of the film discussion, we will email you a link to the Zoom meeting.

A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night is a 2014 Iranian horror film. This visually stunning, melancholic film concerns a skateboarding vampire and the quiet city she terrorizes. Directed and written by Ana Lily Amirpour, this film is for anyone who is a fan of westerns, vampires, and things that go bump in the night.

Faculty Support: We Have You Covered Text on Image of Open Book with Pen

Faculty Support: ProQuest IGI Global Business, Computer Science, & Education eBooks

For 30 years, IGI Global has been promoting innovative, peer-reviewed research in nearly every academic discipline.  More recently, 109 eBook titles on Business and Management, Computer Science and Information, and Education have become available on the ProQuest eBook Central platform. These eBooks from IGI Global books are DRM-free and available for unlimited downloads. Samples of eBooks include

Multilevel Approach to Competitiveness in the Global Tourism Industry. Sergio Teixeira and Joao Ferreira, editors. [2020]

Technological Innovations for Sustainability and Business Growth. Geetika Jain, Shahriar Akter, Alka Munjal and Harpal S. Grewal, editors. [2020]

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications in Civil, Mechanical, and Industrial Engineering. Gebrail Bekdas, Sinan Melih Nigdeli, and Melda Yucel, editors. [2019]

Redefining Post-Traditional Learning: Emerging Research and Opportunities. Lorie Cook-Benjamin and Jared Cook. [2020]

Quality Management Implementation in Higher Education: Practices, Models, and Case Studies. Michael Sony, Kochu Therisa Karingada, and Neeta Baporikar, editors. [2020]

Search the library catalog for additional IGI eBooks. For the lists of many UCF Libraries’ eBook providers, including access and download information, go to

Can you design a book cover?

UCF Libraries wants to see your design skills! Will you accept our design challenge?

Select one of the titles below and illustrate the cover for that book. The submission deadline is Sunday, July 26, 2020 at 11:59PM.

  • Knightro and the Strange, Scary Pandemic Semester
  • Knugget Takes a Vacation
  • The Golden Vulture Strikes Again

For full contest rules and to submit your illustration, check out the contest page.

  • Contests for UCF students only.
  • One entry per student.
  • If more than one entry is submitted by a student, all the entries by that person will be disqualified from the contest.
  • Judges reserve the right to not select a winner due to limited submissions, or lack of exceptional submissions.
  • Entries with explicit sexual content will not be considered for this contest.

The winner will be announced on Monday, August 3, 2020. Prizes include a #UCFLibraries water bottle and a limited edition Quiet Space Rubber Duckie.

Faculty Support: We Have You Covered Text on Image of Open Book with Pen

Faculty Support: Ask Us Virtual Reference Service

Do you wish there was a way you and your students could chat with, text, or email your research questions to a librarian? Well, look no further. Your friendly UCF Librarians and reference staff are here to help through our Ask Us service.

Ask Us staff are experienced in handling all sorts of questions, like how to start researching a topic, finding peer-reviewed articles, finding the full text of an article, and much more. If a student needs more in depth help with a research paper, then our Ask Us staff will refer them to their Subject Librarian. The current hours for our live chat, text, and email service are Monday through Thursday from 9am to 9pm, Friday from 9am to 5pm, and Saturday from 1pm to 5pm; you can text your questions to 407-378-3767.

Need help after hours? No problem. When our UCF chat is closed, you can chat with a librarian until midnight Sunday through Thursday using Florida’s Ask a Librarian Service. So be sure to take advantage of this quick and easy service and recommend it to your students!

LGBTQIA+ Pride Featured Bookshelf

Featured Bookshelf: LGBTQIA+ Pride

Ready to fly your flag?

Pride Month has arrived! While every day is a time to be proud of your identity and orientation, June is that extra special time for boldly celebrating with and for the LGBTQIA community (yes, there are more than lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender in the queer community). June was chosen to honor the Stonewall Riots which happened in 1969. Like other celebratory months, LGBT Pride Month started as a weeklong series of events and expanded into a full month of festivities.

In honor of Pride Month, UCF Library faculty and staff suggested books from the UCF collection that represent a wide array of queer authors and characters. Click on the link below to see the full list, descriptions, and catalog links.

Featured Bookshelf: LGBTQIA+ Pride

With the Libraries’ on remote resource access, the usual extended physical display isn’t available so we have created a list of ebooks and streaming videos that you can access from the comfort of your home.

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