Category: John C. Hitt Library

Noise alert banner

Closure and noise alert–2nd floor closure; 4th floor noise

2nd Floor Closures

The back of the main (2nd) floor Knowledge Commons will be closed beginning Monday, October 29, to prepare for construction of a temporary wall.  The exterior wall, on the Student Union side, will be eventually be demolished as the “connector” is built.  The connector building will join the existing building with the Automated Retrieval Center (ARC).

On the 4th floor, books are being moved to prepare for  temporary wall construction.

We are sorry for the noise and disruption to your work.  Remember that earplugs are available upon request at the Circulation Desk.  Thank you for your patience, Knights.    For more on the 21st Century Library project check .

Open Access Week 2018

Open Access Week 2018 Events

OCTOBER 22-25, 2018

Welcome Players! Open Access week is almost done loading! Come join the UCF Libraries on their quest to inform all those who dare to play the game of content creation. There will be opportunities all week to be part of educational and fun game-themed events. To learn more about how you can level up on your knowledge on Open Access, check out the official OA Week website:

Monday, October 22nd 11:00am-1:00pm

Library 2nd Floor – What classic board game matches your Open Access knowledge?

October brings pumpkin spice lattes and Open Access Week! How much do you know about Open Access (OA)? Navigate the Chutes and Ladders of scholarly resources with some help from your trusted librarians. We’ll have resources at the ready to give you a Clue, so there’s no Risk in taking our quiz! The big publishers don’t have a Monopoly on articles; Open Access resources save you Aggravation and even money on Pay Day! Test your knowledge and find out what classic board game matches your OA awareness. Students who complete the quiz get a treat from Candy Land!

Tuesday, October 23rd 11:00am-12:00pm

Library Room 235A – Teaming up Against Rising Textbook Costs: Harnessing the Librarian/Faculty Collaboration to Locate Affordable Course Materials

Does the idea of the soaring price of textbooks and the lack of your student’s ability to purchase them keep you up at night? If so, then please join our Digital Learning & Engagement Librarian, Christina Wray and Research and Information Services’ Science Librarian, Sandy Avila for a presentation about partnering with your subject librarian to explore quality library-sourced or open access/online resources for your next class.

Tuesday, October 23rd 1:00-2:00pm

Library Room 235C – Navigating the Maze of Copyright: How to Find Free Images and Music for Your Projects

Ever wonder about the images and songs you’ve used and whether they’re ok to include in your projects? Learn tips and tricks from information experts on finding images, music, and videos you can use to stay out of Trouble.

Wednesday, October 24th 11:30am-12:30pm

FCTL CB1-2015 – Get in the Game: Tips and Strategies for Navigating Open Access Publishing

Open Access journals are becoming increasingly popular venues for publishing scholarly research. Yet, there are many challenges and misconceptions often associated with this publishing model. If you’ve ever wondered about Open Access publishing, this session is for you. Join Scholarly Communication Librarian, Sarah Norris, in a discussion about publishing in Open Access journals. We will examine publishing basics and explore challenging topics like journal quality, predatory publishing, and funding.

Thursday, October 25th 11:00am-2:00pm

Library Rooms 223, 235A, and 235C – Game Knight at the Library

Take a study break with a classic board game or video game. Help us create our own Open Access UCF Board Game, using freely available resources!

For more information about Open Access Week at UCF, visit:

closures banner

Closure alert 3rd Floor

3rd Floor closures

3rd Floor Closures

Beginning Tuesday, October 23rd, the back section (Student Union side) of the 3rd floor will be closed, to move furniture and computers.  This will clear space, preparing for the construction of a temporary wall, to prepare for the connection of the current library building with the ARC (Automated Retrieval Center).  Earplugs are available upon request at the Circulation Desk.

We are very sorry for the noise and the inconvenience and rely on your patience and flexibility as the project moves forward.  To see more about the 21st Century Library, including maps of the affected library floors, check

Research Tips Tuesdays

Research Tips Tuesdays: Online Workshops

Are you interesting in becoming a better researcher?  Join us for Research Tips Tuesdays! Each workshop will be 40 minute online sessions with an additional 20 minutes for questions. Workshop topics will include skills that will help you spend less time on the research process and make it easier to find the information you need when you need it most.

Upcoming workshops include:

Read like a Researcher – Oct. 30, 2018, 10:30-11:30 a.m.​ 
This session will teach you how to:

  • Quickly evaluate articles and identify if it’s a good fit for your project
  • identify the relevant information you will need to use it as evidence
  • resources to help you stay organized, evaluate research methods and synthesize multiple sources

Notes on taking Notes – November 13, 2018, 1:00-2:00 p.m.
This session will explore:

  • identifying what you should include in your notes
  • Selecting the right note taking style for different situations
  • Formal note taking methods
  • Tools you can use to organize your notes

To register for these free workshops visit:

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