Planning Your Literature Review
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Classroom Bldg. I, Room 220
Good strategies provide a sound basis for planning your literature review. The first part of this session highlights strategies for conducting literature searches, identifying related sources, staying up to date on relevant publications, and Google Scholar tips. The second-part of the session will introduce STEM resources and citation management tools (EndNote, RefWorks, & Mendeley). Please bring your laptop or device for hands-on practice.
To register for this session, please use the following link Planning Your Literature Review
Flex Your Data Management Muscles
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
4:00-pm 5:00 pm
Classroom Bldg. I, Room 220
Healthy data management builds a foundation for strong research. Exercise your abilities to document, store, and share data using data management processes and tools. This session will cover the components of a data management plan and introduce participants to the DMPTool. Please bring your laptop or device for hands-on practice
To register for this session, please use the following link Flex Your Data Management Muscles
Please join us in the Spring 2020 for workshops on Data Visualization and Research Impact Metrics. Check UCF Libraries Events Page for details to follow:
For registration questions, please contact or