Category: Learning Engagement

National Poetry Month

Congratulations to the 2021 Poetry Contest Winners!

We are thrilled to announce the winners of our 2021 poetry contests.

Haiku Winner
Colors by Madeline S. Anderson

Limerick Winner
My Best Friend by Mariah George

In addition to joining the KnightVerse National Poetry Month collection in the UCF Libraries’ digital repository STARS, the two winners also receive a UCF Libraries’ reusable water bottle and UCF Libraries’ ducky temporary tattoo.

Thank you to everyone who participated. You can read winners and submissions from all years of Libraries’ student writing contests at STARS KnightVerse.

Research Tips Thursday: Keeping Calm During the Research Process

Projects piling up? Finals got you stressed? The library has the resources you need to complete your projects and end the semester on a high note! Whether you are on campus or afar, we’re here to help.

You can view the full Research Tips Thursday series at

Complete the Minimizing Misinformation Challenge

All 5 challenges of the Spring 2021 Minimizing Misinformation series are ready for you to flex your muscles and test your information fluency skills.

Remember the more challenges you complete, the more prizes you win!

1 challenge = Coveted UCF Libraries Sticker pack
3 challenges = UCF Libraries duckie Temporary Tattoo
5 challenges = Grand prize pack!

Open to UCF students, faculty and staff!

Research Tips Thursday: Evaluating News Sources

So much news…and not news…so little time! Use these four steps to help you quickly evaluate news items to give you the best opportunity to make informed decisions.

You can view the full Research Tips Thursday series at

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