Category: Access Services

Photo of front entrance to John C. Hitt library and the Flame of Hope

John C. Hitt Library Now Accepting Credit and Debit Payment!

Overdue fees and bills for the UCF Libraries can now be paid using credit or debit at the John C. Hitt Library. Payments can be made at the Circulation Desk and may also be paid using cash, check, or Knight Cash. As a reminder, you can avoid overdue fees by renewing your library items online through our website or over the phone by calling 407-823-2580 where we’re happy to answer any questions you may have!

moving books

Get that 4th floor book!

4th floor stacks for call numbers from N to QP, shelved on the “Student Union side” of the floor, may be inaccessible to the average human. But John C. Hitt Library folks are not average humans! With a few key strokes, we can get that book for you.

At, click on the white “Books/Catalog” button, and key in your search. When you see a title in your results list that absolutely fascinates you, you will see a link in the record that says, “Place a Hold”. When you click on it, you will be asked for your NID and NID password. Once you submit that information, you will see your search replicated on the screen, followed by the message, “Hold successfully placed.” You will receive an email later, telling you that your book is ready to be picked up at the Circulation Desk.

Through the miracle of technology, you can conduct that search on your smart phone or on your own laptop at home or office. Then you can come into the John C. Hitt Library and pick up your book, once you have received the email that it is available.


  1. Click Books/Catalog
  2. Search
  3. Click Place a Hold
  4. Login
  5. Wait for an email telling you your book is ready for pickup
  6. Pickup your book at the Circulation desk on the main floor of the John C. Hitt Library

Seismic Shift - No books on the 5th Floor

The Seismic Shift 2015 is Over!

Planning for the shift began over a year ago with a rotating roster of staff and faculty: Rich Gause, Frank Allen, Andrew Hackler, Ven Basco, Lindsey Ritzert, Andria Barratt, and Megan Humphries. While new members came in with transitions in staffing, bringing new perspectives, our goal was always the same: to find the most effective way to clear the 5th floor.

We ran studies of the collection to nail down the scope and procedures of the project. Our analysis was detailed enough to dynamically leave growth space through the collection, continuously keep track of the space we were gaining, and ensure we were meeting our goals. With a budget and timetable set, we hired students in stages to meet increasing workloads.


Group Study Rooms

Group Study Rooms

Group study rooms can now be reserved for up to four hours at a time! Rooms are available for currently enrolled UCF students. General study rooms are not locked, but if you do not reserve the room, you will be asked to leave if another group makes a reservation. More information about group study rooms in the UCF Libraries can be found on the Circulation Services page.

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