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Raynette Kibbee

Happy Retirement, Raynette Kibbee!

Raynette Kibbee, Senior Administrative Assistant in Library Administration, has been a part of UCF for most of the University’s existence!  Raynette was a UCF student in the seventies, and started work in the library in June 1985, when campus had more of a “small school atmosphere”.  The 1984 expansion and renovation of the library building had just been completed, and the 21st Century Library project is underway as she retires.  Raynette’s responsibilities in Library Administration have given her the chance to meet and interact with many people on campus and in the libraries.

We will miss Raynette but wish her the very best.  We know she will visit now and then.  Once a Knight, always a Knight!

One response to “Happy Retirement, Raynette Kibbee!”

  1. Becky Hammond says:

    Happy Trails, Good Luck and God Speed! And thank you for all your help and time spent.

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