News & Blog

Rosen Exhibits: Welcome Back and New Year 2017

Welcome Back Exhibit at Rosen Library

The Rosen Counseling Office and the Rosen College Clinic have partnered with the Rosen Library to create a welcome back display. Stop by the library to learn about the services offered by these fantastic campus offices. Pick up a flyer for you or a friend about wellness, nutrition, and other essential topics. Have a great new year and semester!

technology lending banner

New Technology Lending Page

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Welcome back students!

We hope you enjoyed your time off during the break. While you were away, we finished up our latest new feature for the UCF Libraries website, the Technology Lending Page. This new feature will allow you to see all of the technology items we have available for checkout at the John C. Hitt, Rosen, and CMC libraries.

Along with the name and photo of each item, you can see its loan period and availability for checkout (for most items). You can also sort items by location,  tech type, loan period, and eligiblity.

Now some of you may be thinking, “This feature isn’t new, it was on the website last semester”. This is true, we did make this feature live last semester but there were still some minor issues to take care of and we didn’t want to formally announce it until it was ready.

We hope that you enjoy our new Technology Lending feature of our website. Click the button below to get started.

(Look for this button on our homepage for quick access.)


5th Floor Study Space Closed

5th floor study space will be closed during spring semester for the construction of a new quiet study space. 5th floor library offices and Special Collections and University Archives will remain open, accessible by the south staircase and the bank of three elevators. 4th floor will remain in use as a quiet study floor.

The 4th floor bathroom on the Student Union side of the building is getting closer to completion, but remains closed as construction continues. The noise, dust, and inconvenience will make way for exciting, new spaces for student research, group work, and study.

Earplugs are available at the Circulation Services Desk on the main (2nd) floor.

More information about the 21st Century Library project is available at

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