Category: John C. Hitt Library

Study Tips & Self Care: Finals Edition

Study Tips & Self Care: Finals Edition

Hey Knights!

Spring 2020 finals are going to be a little different this year because of COVID-19, but as always, UCF Libraries is going to do the best we can to ensure that they go smoothly. We have a number of online resources including research tips, self-care tips, videos, the Ask A Librarian virtual reference service, and much more.

First, some self-care tips:

  1. Plan Ahead. Though this may seem more related to academics than to mental health, you should always plan ahead. Whether you’re a digital planner or an analog planner, having a good idea of what’s coming ahead will help relief a lot of the anxiety and stress that is already a major part of finals.
  2. Try Meditation. Meditation can seem intimidating at first, but even if it’s just for five minutes a day, it can help to clear your head. There are plenty of free meditation resources online Like Deepak Chopra’s 21 Days of Meditation. You can also look for free Guided Meditation videos on YouTube.
  3. Do Yoga. More than anything, yoga is about mindfulness. If you have some free time during the day, or need to get up from your workstation, doing yoga is a great way to get your blood flowing and clear your head. There are plenty of YouTube videos that offer yoga tutorials and practice. A popular one is Yoga with Adriene.
  4. Breathe. Sometimes when we’re anxious or nervous, we have a hard time grounding ourselves. Taking a deep breath can help re-center us and make us remember what’s right in front of us and what’s important. There ae plenty of breathing exercises you can try but we recommend these for releasing tension.
  5. Do something fun. Print out some free coloring pages or watch a movie. UCF Libraries offers free video streaming and we have an online library of feature films and documentaries all for your entertainment. You can access these videos here: Be sure to click the video tab when you search for things to watch.

Now for study tips:

  1. Take breaks. One way to get through prolonged periods is to take breaks after long periods of working.  If you cram for too long you can end up overworking. One great technique is the Pomodoro Method – traditionally you work for 25 minutes and take a break for 5, but you can double up and work for 50-minute and take a 10-minute break. All you need is a timer.
  2. Keep a clean and organized workspace. Even if you’re working on your bed, at your desk or on the porch, make sure your space is clean. If you’ve got a messy space it can be hard to think clearly since the mess can be overwhelming.
  3. Ask Questions! Aside from contacting your professors, you can also contact us at: If you’re trying to find an online resource whether it’s an eBook, a journal, or an academic article, we have you covered.
  4. Check out our video archive full or research tips and study related videos. Some that might be useful at this time are:
    1. Speed Studying
    2. Finding EBooks
    3. Finding Peer-Reviewed Articles
    4. Is this journal online?

We know that this time is stressful and unpredictable but know that you have options and you have friends, families, and peers that care about you. Prioritizing your health is paramount to your success as a Knight and to your wellbeing in general.

Don’t forget: You can do this!

Faculty Support: We Have You Covered Text on Image of Open Book with Pen

Support our Students with Smart Summer Planning

We hope you are doing well with the all of the changes in how we work and how we teach. As you begin recovering from spring and moving into summer course planning, your friendly librarian is here to support you.

Many of our students are struggling with the loss of income due to the Coronavirus. One way you can pay it forward is by choosing course materials that are always free to our students, making textbooks one less thing they need to worry about. If you are updating your course for summer, we hope you will consider using either library-sourced materials or Open Educational Resources.

In recent weeks, many vendors have reached out with offers of free or reduced cost materials.  What is unclear is how long these offers will last. Open Educational Resources are a great option, with no expiration date on being free. To ensure that the library-sourced materials will be available throughout the semester, check with your subject librarian.

Sifting through all the possibilities can be overwhelming. Count on UCF Libraries to provide support every step of the way.

We can provide your class with a virtual library instruction session or you can assign information literacy modules with graded assignments on topics such as avoiding plagiarism, citing sources, or conducting an literature review.

Additional services for faculty are available at

Answers to more general questions about library services can be found at

To learn about Textbook Affordability efforts at UCF, visit

National Poetry Month

2020 Poetry Month Contests

Are you looking for something fun to take your mind off everything that’s happening in the world right now? Have you thought about writing poetry?

The UCF Libraries 2020 Poetry Contests are now open for submissions. Try your hand at crafting a charming haiku or a slick limerick all from the comfort of your room.

Haiku deadline is April 12 at 11:59 pm
Limerick deadline is April 19 at 11:59 pm

Full contest details and submission form at



All WomanFest 2020 events for March 19 will be rescheduled for the Fall 2020 semester. Date to be announced in a few weeks.

UCF Libraries and the Women’s & Gender Studies Program are proud to announce the 4th annual WomanFest! Join us for four events featuring amazing women from around campus and in history.

Thursday, March 19, 2020
John C. Hitt Library 223

Women in Academia panel
10:00 – 11:00 am

UCF faculty members Dr. Linda Walters (Biology, Center for Success of Women Faculty), Dr. Amelia Lyons (History), Dr. Nessette Falu (Anthropology), and Dr. RoSusan Bartee (Educational Leadership and Higher Education) discuss their career paths, how to find a work/life balance, and their struggles faced and battles won as women in higher education. Panel moderated by Dr. Leandra Preston-Sidler (Women & Gender Studies).

Women and Body Image
12:00 – 1:30 pm

The Renfrew Center for Eating Disorders will provide lunch and a presentation on body image, health, and wellness. Event is limited to 50 participants. Please RSVP at: Eventbrite: Women and Body Image

Women’s History Trivia Contest
2:00 – 3:30 pm

How much do you know about women’s history? UCF Libraries and the Women & Gender Studies Program are hosting a rousing pub-style trivia game featuring questions about interesting women in history, female firsts at UCF, and songs by well-known female musicians. Make new friends as we play in teams. Will you come out on top?

Women & Leadership with Rep. Anna Eskamani
6:00 – 7:00 pm

Florida Representative and UCF alumnae Anna Eskamani discusses women, politics, activism and leadership.

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