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Entrepreneurship for Physicists

Free Book! Entrepreneurship for Physicists

Entrepreneurship for PhysicistsEntrepreneurship for Physicists A practical guide to move inventions from university to market is free* for a limited time only!

Entrepreneurship for Physicists is now yours, FREE! This is an excellent book for anyone with an interest in learning how to turn their physics education into a marketable business plan and we invite you to downloadcomplimentary copy today.

This book offers a concise analysis of the key ingredients that enable physicists    to successfully move their idea from a university education to the marketplace, bringing added value to their customers. It dives into a set of theories, models, and tools that play fundamental roles in technology transfer including topics often neglected by other books including trust, communication, and persuasion. It also explains how most of the topics discussed are applicable to careers in a broader sense.

Author Davide Iannuzzi has developed an in-depth knowledge of the technology transfer process that brings scientific ideas to market and is an entrepreneur himself.

Check out over 200 online books published by the Institute of Physics (IOP) provided to you by the UCF Libraries.



Two pieces from the Nature as a Linking Force: Temporal and Spiritual Life in Haiti exhibit

Exhibit: Nature as a Linking Force: Temporal and Spiritual Life in Haiti

Haitian art is a unique synthesis of different cultures, including indigenous Caribbean, African and European. In all societies, however, nature plays an important role in people’s daily lives. The newest exhibit from UCF Libraries’ Special Collections & University Archives, “Nature as a Linking Force: Temporal and Spiritual Life in Haiti,” celebrates the close bond between Haitian identity and nature. The show displays paintings of Haitian people enclosed in lush and vivid landscapes, voodoo rituals, and fantasy scenes. The exhibit was curated by UCF student and Special Collections & University Archives employee, Renata Nagy, and designed by Special Collections & University Archives book conservator, Christopher Saclolo.
The exhibit is on view on the 2nd floor of the John C. Hitt Library from Wednesday, April 4th through Thursday, May 31st.

Read Stricted: The Dilemmas Surrounding Reading, Censorship, and Challenged Books

Read Stricted: The Dilemmas Surrounding Reading, Censorship, & Challenged Books

Monday, April 9
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Please join us for a lively and thought provoking discussion regarding reading, censorship, and the history of challenged books to commemorate the start of National Library Week 2018. UCF Research and Information Services Librarian, Sandy Avila will discuss the American Library Association’s Top Ten Frequently Challenged Books of 2017 while providing some background regarding the history of challenged books from around the world. This session is open to students and faculty and no RSVP is required. Meet us at the John C. Hitt Library (main campus) Room 223 to learn more about banned books and the dilemmas surrounding their censorship.

UCF Faculty Author Series

UCF Faculty Author Series

The John C. Hitt Library, Office of Research, and Faculty Excellence are pleased to announce two upcoming events to be hosted by the Burnett Honors College. The panel sessions described below will highlight the diverse research interests and publishing activities of scholars in the College of Arts & Humanities. We invite you to attend one or both sessions and, since seating in the Honors College reading room in limited to 25, please RSVP by using the link below.


April 2018 Featured Bookshelf: National Poetry Month

Featured Bookshelf: National Poetry Month

“If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer…
If you’re a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!”

-Shel Silverstein, Where the Sidewalk Ends


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