News & Blog

Summer Knights Reading Challenge

Summer Knights Reading Challenge – The Winners Are!

The Summer Knights Reading Challenge ended on August 1, 2019.

247 UCF students, faculty, and staff participated in the challenge.

A total of 550,948 pages were read.

1st Place: Assortment of UCF goods (courtesy of Barnes & Noble @UCF) was awarded to Brandon T

2nd Place: Assortment of Starbucks goods, including a gift card (courtesy of Starbucks located at 895 N. Alafaya Trail)  was awarded to Maya Santiago

3rd Place: Fuzzy’s gift card (courtesy of UCF Libraries) was awarded to Melanie

4th Place: Lazy Moon gift card (courtesy of Lazy Moon at 11551 University Boulevard) was awarded to TheShenanigator

Thanks to all of the participants in the Summer Knights Reading Challenge!

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1st Floor Closed August 5 – August 26

The 1st Floor will be closed Monday, August 5 to Sunday, August 26.  The 1st floor (lowest level) of the John C. Hitt Library will be closed for work related to construction of the 21st Century Library project.  2nd (main), 3rd, 4th and 5th floors will remain open.  Assistance with Government Documents can be requested at the Research and Information Desk on 2nd (main) floor.

2019 International Graduate Student Welcome

Dear International Graduate Students,

Please join the UCF Libraries for coffee and conversation to learn how our resources and services support international graduate students and their research. This two‐hour event is designed for new and returning international graduate students.

The program will cover a variety of important topics including resources and services for both online and in‐person support, scholarship and publishing, and research tools.

In addition to learning about the Libraries’ collections that will primarily support your research and teaching, attendees will have an opportunity to connect with subject librarians who are available to provide assistance with resources and questions.

Refreshments will be provided.

To register, please click the following link:

Where: John C. Hitt Library, Room 223 (main campus)
When: Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 Noon

Featured Bookshelf for August 2019 Back to School

Featured Bookshelf: Back to School

The summer semester is ending and the prep for fall has started. It’s only a few short weeks until the 2019-2020 academic year begins. We’ll have a full cohort of students back on campus. The lines for coffee will be never ending and a free parking space will be nowhere to be found. Life will definitely get more exciting.

Libraries staff has pulled together a full list of books that cover a whole range of areas. Some books are for our graduating students wondering what comes next. Some books are to help new incoming students start the year successfully. We even have books that staff read when they were your age (yep, books existed that long ago) that changed how they thought about the world.

Welcome to the 2019-20 academic year!

Click on the link below to see the full list, descriptions, and catalog links for the featured Back-so-School titles suggested by UCF Library employees. These 24 books plus many more are also on display on the 2nd (main) floor of the John C. Hitt Library next to the bank of two elevators.

Featured Bookshelf: Back to School 2019

New Art Exhibit: Indian Film Festivals

The July 2019 exhibit on the John C. Hitt Library Art Wall is “Indian Festivals in Florida.” The colorful photographs were taken by 2 UCF students, Priyanka Chandra and Sharan Sathya, and feature celebrations for multiple religious faiths and occasions.

The photos were commissioned by the Asian Cultural Association (ACA), and the exhibit is co-sponsored by the ACA and the UCF India Center in the School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs.

The exhibit can be viewed during the month of July on the Art Wall, right inside the front entrance to the John C. Hitt Library. For more information, see this College of Sciences article.

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