News & Blog

Learn a new language

Learn to Speak Pirate with the Mango Languages Trial

The UCF Libraries is excited to announce a new tool for your arsenal – Mango Languages!

Mango Languages provides “Deliciously simple language and culture learning in over 70 languages.” Mango includes many common languages like Spanish and French, but also unique languages like Pirate and Igbo.

To view a full list and explore our trial site, visit the UCF Mango Connect page.

On the trial site you can take a sneak peek of which languages are included, and make your first attempt at learning what “Belay yer carousin’ and haul wind smartly” means.

Stay tuned for an announcement that the full site is live and you can make your own Mango account to track your progress!

Questions? Ask us.

Dissertation Forum

Dissertation Forum

Hosted by the UCF Libraries and the UCF College of Graduate Studies

  • Friday, February 5, 2016
  • 9A.M. – 4P.M.
  • John C. Hitt Library
  • Room 223

Join us for the UCF Dissertation Forum on Friday, February 5, 2016!

The Dissertation Forum is a one-day event offered by the UCF Libraries and the UCF College of Graduate Studies. The Forum is designed to foster knowledge sharing and provide information about resources and services for doctoral students related to their research.

Forum programming includes brief presentations, concurrent sessions that attendees can choose from, a presentation on time and stress management, and a lunch and learn panel discussion presented by recently hired UCF professors to provide doctoral students with insights about planning, project management, and expectations.

Registration is free and open to doctoral students who have not yet enrolled in the candidacy phase of their UCF programs. Space is limited to 35 attendees. A light continental breakfast will be provided by the College of Graduate Studies and boxed lunches, sponsored by ProQuest, also will be available.

To register, please use the link below.

Registration must be submitted by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, February 3, 2016.

You will receive an email confirmation of your registration using the email you provide.
If you have questions about registration, please email

Register for the Dissertation Forum

Dissertation Forum Schedule

The Dissertation Forum is organized conference style; some sessions run concurrently. Please don’t hesitate to speak with a Forum organizer if you have questions about which session might be most useful for your needs.

Time Presentation Room
9:00-9:15 Light Continental Breakfast
Provided by College of Graduate Studies
9:15-9:30 Welcoming Remarks
Barry Baker, Director, UCF Libraries
9:30-9:45 Introduction
Dr. Jana Jasinski, Associate Dean, College of Graduate Studies

This overview will briefly highlight the Graduate College’s resources, services, workshops, and other information.


Concurrent Sessions

Researcher Networks & Profiles
Andy Todd, UCF Nursing Librarian

This session discusses ideas for managing researcher profiles, why it’s important to develop an online profile as a researcher, and how to promote your work and connect to other researchers. The discussion will include a look at several sites to see what ORCID, LinkedIn, Research Gate,, PIVOT, Plum Analytics, and Google Scholar can do for you.

Library Research & Literature Review Strategies
Dr. Corinne Bishop, UCF Social Sciences Librarian

Library research strategies can help you differentiate sources and tools for academic projects and for conducting literature reviews. This session includes discussions, demonstrations, and Q&A that focus on identifying subject databases, making use of review articles, tracking citations, creating alerts to stay updated on publications, and using Google Scholar to identify and link to UCFs databases.

10:30-11:00 ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Demo
Sean Keough, ProQuest Academic

This session provides an overview of ProQuest’s Dissertations and Theses database and tips on locating dissertations and theses by topic, institution, etc.

11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-11:30 Pick up boxed lunch & drink
Lunch provided by ProQuest
11:30-1:00 Lunch & Learn: New Faculty Panel
Dr. Linda Walters, UCF Biological Sciences, Moderator

This moderated panel discussion includes Q&A and offers insights from presenters about their experiences and advice related to dissertation project management, timelines, working with advisors and committees, flexibility with topic changes and research challenges, and planning post-doctoral goals.

1:00-1:15 Break

Concurrent Sessions

Publishing & Author Rights
Sarah Norris, UCF Scholarly Communication Librarian

This two-part session covers criteria to consider when planning to submit your work for publication and basic information about copyright as it pertains to publishing. We will look at factors such as acceptance rates, audience, indexing, cost to publish, and open access. There also will be discussion about how author rights are a bundle of rights that may be negotiated by the author.


Dissertation Formatting Overview
Nathalia Bauer, Assistant Director Thesis & Dissertation, Pathways to Success,
College of Graduate Studies

This session will teach students the formatting requirements for a UCF thesis or dissertation as well as information about completing the thesis/dissertation process.

2:30-3:15 Time & Stress Management
Dr. Shari Ann James, UCF Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)

Learn about resources and strategies for healthfully managing and coping with the stress of a dissertation project.

3:15-4:00 Closing Activity, Take-A-Ways, & Resources
Dr. Penny Beile, Associate Director for Information Services & Scholarly Communication, UCF Libraries

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions about the Forum:

Dr. Corinne Bishop, Social Sciences & Graduate Outreach Librarian  (

Richard Harrison, UCF Humanities & Undergraduate Outreach Librarian  (

Furniture Sit Test

Furniture Testing, 5th Floor!

Come on up to 5th floor, John C. Hitt Library, and have a seat! Furniture testing for the 5th floor quiet zone has begun!

Is it comfortable (Comfort)? Do you like the way it looks (Design)? Would this be good furniture for quiet study and research (Usability)?
Furniture testing will continue for approximately 2 weeks.

(Note: Furniture colors will be selected later. Testing is all about the furniture itself, and how appropriate it is for the new quiet zone and YOU.)

Photo of front entrance to John C. Hitt library and the Flame of Hope

5th Floor Quiet Zone Suspended

For approximately 2 weeks, quiet study on the 5th floor of the John C. Hitt Library will be suspended. Testing of furniture for the new 5th floor quiet zone will be taking place, so quiet on the floor will be disrupted by that activity. Today, Tuesday, January 19, furniture is being assembled and set in place. Details on your participation in the testing will be available here soon. 4th floor will remain dedicated to quiet study during this time.

Browse and read journals with Browzine

Check out BrowZine, a new service that allows you to browse, read and follow thousands of the library’s scholarly journals available at or from your Android and iOS mobile devices.

With BrowZine, you can:

  • Browse and read journals: Browse journals by subject, easily review tables of contents, and download full articles
  • Use the durable linking capability to easily link to specific “shelves” in BrowZine from your courseware
  • In the mobile app, you can create a personal experience as well:
    Create your own bookshelf: Add journals to your personal bookshelf and be notified when new articles are published
  • Save and export articles: Save articles for off-line reading or export to services such as DropBox, Mendeley, RefWorks, Zotero, Papers and more

Start at UCF’s custom Browzine URL:

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