Project Description
The John C. Hitt Library has a long and successful track record of facilitating student use of new and emerging technologies. Open over 100 hours, and with over 2,000 items and 13,731 check-out transactions this year alone, the Library LibTech desk is the center for student technology lending. Keeping up with student demand is always a challenge. This technology fee will accomplish two critical tasks. It will increase the number of high-demand items LibTech cannot keep in stock, such as iPads, calculators, and portable chargers. It will also enable LibTech to purchase and lend items that the students highly request that previously were not carried or had limited quantities. These include microphones and portable pa systems. Student input on the type of equipment they need and would like to have available for check-out was considered when compiling the list.

All currently enrolled students will have access to checkout this technology from the LibTech Desk.

Benefit to Student Learning
UCF has a large student population that needs technology to navigate their day-to-day academic lives. The technology required is varied, and some of it is expensive to obtain. UCF Libraries help drive down the cost of education by providing technology for students to borrow and use for their academic pursuits. The iPads with Apple Pencils for each have been in very high demand because students can take great notes in all their classes, humanities and STEM. It allows students to keep track of their notes in popular multi-platform apps like OneNote, Notablity, and GoodNotes, with everything syncing to secure cloud storage. All LibTech computing technology utilizes campus standards, and grants access to UCF resources such as UCF Apps, Library databases, and Adobe Creative Cloud. LibTech always welcomes feedback from faculty for technology items that may be used in upcoming courses for students to utilize.

Project Sustainability
Without a dedicated technology budget, the Libraries rely on technology fee funding to implement innovations and replace aging equipment. Extended warranties are included in all purchases, and obsolescence is anticipated. By staggering purchases, surveying staff and users regularly, and monitoring new technologies, the Libraries keeps current on users’ technology needs. The Libraries’ LibTech staff, with UCF IT assistance, support and maintain existing equipment and plan for future enhancements.

Technology Fee Proposal Budget Narrative
Audio equipment
Audio equipment has been one of the most requested items the LibTech desk has received in the last six months. Exceptionally, UCF Clubs have been requesting PA systems and microphones. The Libraries will purchase most AV equipment through B&H Photo to maximize the discount supplied by the E&I Cooperative.
Tablets and Pencils
LibTech currently checks out iPads and pencils but does not have enough to meet demand. This new purchase will allow more students to get the technology they want. All Apple equipment will be procured through the campus Technology Product Center and include AppleCare warranties. We are going with the standard iPad and Apple Pencil because it meets most students’ needs and maximizes the amount of equipment we can provide for the students.
Power, Calculators, Accessories, and Presentation
These are high-demand items that are getting older, and supply cannot keep up with demand. The graphing calculators will be updated to the latest backlit color displays with rechargeable batteries. The power supplies for mobile devices such as phones, tablets, and laptops are always in need and limited supply.

Space Administration
No space is needed for the project.