Staff Directory

Scholarly Communication

The Office of Scholarly Communication is supported by a diverse and talented team. The team is mainly librarians from other departments who volunteer on the Scholarly Communication (SC) Committee. The team is led by Sarah Norris.

Sarah Norris

Sarah Norris

We maintain a wide range of services and projects in order to meet our goals. The projects are supported by the SC Committee’s subgroups called work groups. The Research Lifecycle (RLC) model was originally created by the RLC Committee, but is now updated by the RLC work group.


  • Collaborate with other campus units to provide a suite of campus-wide services.
  • Advocate for the infrastructure, staffing, publishing funds, and services.
  • Educate and facilitate discussions about the changing scholarly communication environment, including the move to open access and sustainable publishing and exploring new ways to create, disseminate, evaluate, and preserve research and scholarly outputs at the university.

Our Team

Name Title Rank Department Phone Email
Ven Basco Basco, Ven Librarian University Librarian 407-823-5048 Email
David Benjamin Benjamin, David Department Head Assistant Librarian 407-823-2788 Email
Dr. Corrine Bishop Bishop, Corinne Graduate Engagement Librarian Associate Librarian 407-823-2584 Email
Cynthia Dancel Dancel, Cindy Senior Art Specialist 407-823-4250 Email
Sai Deng Deng, Sai Metadata Librarian Associate Librarian 407-823-4312 Email
Lily Dubach Dubach, Lily Textbook Affordability Librarian Assistant Librarian 407-823-0538 Email
Rich Gause Gause, Rich Government Information Librarian University Librarian 407-823-2563 Email
Photo Not Available Hoeppner, Athena Interim Associate Dean for Collection Services and Resource Management University Librarian , 407-823-5049 Email
Renee Cole Montgomery Montgomery, Renee Cole Outreach & Engagement Librarian Assistant Librarian 407-823-4658 Email
Rachel Mulvihill Mulvihill, Rachel Department Head Associate Librarian 407-823-0739 Email
Sarah Norris Norris, Sarah Scholarly Communication Librarian Associate Librarian 407-823-2402 Email
Andrew Todd Todd, Andy Librarian Associate Librarian 321-433-7878 Email
Photo Not Available Venecek, John Librarian Associate Librarian 407-823-3098 Email
Ven Basco

Ven Basco

Ven has experience working with citation metrics. He helps with conducting a comprehensive analysis of a scholar’s work including identifying key journals in their field. He is also the subject librarian for engineering and computer science. He enjoys watching movies and TV shows. Contact him for questions about citation metrics.
David Benjamin

David Benjamin

David Benjamin is head of the UCF Libraries’ Special Collections & University Archives. He is responsible for overseeing the department as well as collection development, outreach, and donor relations. Contact David for questions about rare books, manuscripts, and university archives.
Dr. Corrine Bishop

Corinne Bishop

Corinne is the Graduate Outreach and Social Sciences Librarian. She coordinates the Libraries graduate events and graduate workshops, which are presented in collaboration with the College of Graduate Studies for the Pathways to Success program. She also serves as subject librarian for Interdisciplinary Studies, Public Administration, and Politics, Security & International Affairs programs. In her free time, she enjoys art museums and gardening. Contact Corinne for questions or requests related to graduate events, graduate workshop sessions, subject-related Open Educational Resources, and Mendeley.
Cynthia Dancel

Cindy Dancel

Cindy is the Senior Art Specialist. She creates graphics which visualize the scholarly communication process to help students and faculty better understand complex processes and ideas. When not creating posters, logos, and other fun things, she can be found snowboarding, sky diving, or running with the bulls. Ok, that’s a lie; she’s at home watching Netflix and eating ice cream.
Sai Deng

Sai Deng

Sai is the Metadata Librarian at the University of Central Florida Libraries. She works collaboratively with Digital Initiatives, Special Collections and University Archives in the library. She enjoys taking care of her dog, flower garden and visiting art and history museums. Contact her for metadata consultation services, metadata production assistance, and data organization, access and discovery issues.
Lily Dubach

Lily Dubach

Lily Dubach is the Textbook Affordability Librarian. She collaborates with teaching faculty, instructional designers, librarians and library staff, and pertinent campus units to promote and transition traditional course content to affordable textbook alternatives such as open educational resources (OER) and library-sourced eBooks and materials. She tracks these adoptions, calculates savings, and disseminates results. When she's not busy with all these spreadsheets, she enjoys snorkeling freshwater springs and coral reefs.
Rich Gause

Rich Gause

Rich is the Government Information Librarian for the University Libraries and has coordinated establishing Centers of Excellence at UCF for information from the U.S. Department of Energy, Atomic Energy Commission, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and National Aeronautics & Space Administration. He is active in the American Library Association’s Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) and the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) community. In 2017 he completed a three-year term as a member of the Depository Library Council, an advisory committee to the Director, U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) in Washington, D.C. Rich serves as the library’s collection development librarian for the Legal Studies and Theatre departments, Rich provides assistance to UCF researchers regarding many other subject areas, including statistical demographic data, Florida, business, criminal justice, history, political science, public administration, and security studies. Within the library Rich has an ongoing involvement in space planning, market equity salary studies, and development of online research guides using LibGuides. A Navy veteran and graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy with a Bachelor of Science in Physical Science, Rich also holds a Master’s of Library Science in Information Science from Florida State University and a Master’s of Business Administration in Management from New Hampshire College.
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Athena Hoeppner

Athena is the Discovery Services Librarian at UCF and jointly oversees eResources acquisitions, resource discovery services, and related access technologies. Her first love remains public service, thus she serves four hours per week in Reference and Ask a Librarian. Athena’s work and research center on applying technology to connect users to content, with projects to explore usability, user experience, and discovery technologies. Contact her with questions about discovery support.
Renee Cole Montgomery

Renee Cole Montgomery

Renee is the primary contact for citation management. She is an Outreach Librarian in the Student Learning & Engagement Department. Contact her for questions about RefWorks or Endnote.
Rachel Mulvihill

Rachel Mulvihill

Rachel is Head of the UCF Downtown Campus Library. She has worked as a librarian at UCF for many years in several different departments, most recently as Head of Teaching & Engagement. Her career has focused on library instruction and information literacy, outreach and engagement, and serving online and distance students. Rachel has no spare time but dreams about being creative and crafty and tries to watch baseball when she can.
Sarah Norris

Sarah Norris

Sarah is the Scholarly Communication Librarian. She leads the UCF Libraries’ scholarly communication and open access outreach efforts. In her free time, she enjoys theme parks and gluten-free dining. Contact her for questions about copyright, open access, author rights, where to publish, and general information about scholarly communication.
Andrew Todd

Andy Todd

Andy serves UCF Libraries as the Subject Librarian for the UCF College of Nursing. He is a member of the Scholarly Communication Advisory Group and has been involved with creating UCF’s Research Lifecycle model, and continues to be involved with other projects and discussions. He enjoys mountain biking and trail running when he has time.
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John Venecek

John is a Research & Information Services Librarian and liaison to the departments of Africana Studies, Art, English, Latin American Studies, Modern Languages, Texts & Technology, and Writing & Rhetoric. John enjoys a highly glutinous diet and is a fan of street/urban art. Contact him for questions about Open Educational Resources, Open Access, and for general information about scholarly communication.
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