Open Access
“Open Access” is a term used to describe a reform movement that aims to make scholarly literature freely available on the web and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. It can also describe an item itself. For example, if a journal article is Open Access, then that means it is available for free access and, typically, unrestricted non-commercial use.
To publish something “Open Access” is in contrast to conventional publishing. Where a conventional publisher of academic journals charges money to read those journal articles, an Open Access academic journal is free to read and access online.
Open Access does not just apply to academic journal articles. Books, textbooks, datasets, and other forms can also be Open Access. Explore further information below, and find out ways individuals contribute to the Open Access movement.
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Open Access
Research journal articles are a prominent focus for Open Access (OA). When scholars publish under this model, their works are provided at no cost to the user and are available to all via online access. Other benefits associated with OA include wider readership and worldwide impact. There are considerations to make, however, for individuals looking to publish OA. There may be other costs associated with publishing, strategies for discerning reliable publishers, and considerations for compliance with funders. In addition to journal articles, many other types of information can be “open,” such as open data and open educational resources (e.g., textbooks).
Services and tools:
- Find a list of Open Access journals through the Directory of Open Access Journals.
- Use precautions if publishing Open Access by looking through a list of journals removed from the Directory of Open Access Journals.
- Find a list of repositories through OpenDOAR (Directory of Open Access Repositories).
- Explore STARS, UCF’s own repository, and find out more information about Open Access hosting options at UCF.
- Search SHERPA/RoMEO to see if your published works can be archived in places such as your personal website, course website, or in an institutional repository.
- Use tools to determine HowOpenIsIt and How Can I Share It?
- Explore resources about open data from the Open Data Handbook, Open Data Commons, and Registry of Research Data Repositories.
- Peruse resources about open education from the Open Education Consortium, OER Commons, and OpenStax.
- Learn more about OA events held at UCF.
Research Guide: Open Access
The Open Access Champions are faculty members at UCF distinguished for their contributions to the Open Access (OA) movement. Starting in 2013, Subject Librarians reached out to faculty involved in OA-related activities (such as publishing in open journals). Interested faculty members submitted a photo and description of their support. Some Champions have since participated in Open Access Week activities, such as by giving presentations.
In 2014, the American Library Association LLAMA Division named the University of Central Florida Libraries the 2014 Best of Show Award Winner for their “Open Access Week 2013 Wall Exhibit” which featured large color posters of UCF Open Access Champions.
If you are a current UCF faculty member involved in Open Access and would like to show your support, please contact Sarah Norris for information about inclusion in the Open Access Champions showcase.