Jason Phillips
- Social Sciences Librarian
- Associate Librarian
- Research Engagement
- John C. Hitt Library
Room 344 - 407-823-5564
- jason.phillips@ucf.edu
- Units & Groups: All Librarians, Subject Librarians
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Jason D. Phillips joined the UCF Libraries in January 2022 as Social Sciences Librarian in the Research Engagement Department. He is the subject librarian for Criminal Justice, Sociology, and the School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs and he provides research assistance, library instruction and collection development in these subject areas.
Jason previously worked at The University of Alabama as a Serials Copy Cataloger, Mississippi State University as a Government and United Nations Documents Librarian, Georgetown University as the Government Information Librarian, and the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith as a Public Services Librarian. He is actively involved on committees at the library, university, state and national level.
Jason has an active research agenda with articles, book chapters, presentations, and the forthcoming co-edited book Censorship Is a Drag: LGBTQ Materials and Programming Under Siege in Libraries from Litwin Books & Library Juice Press. His research areas of interest are library services and collections for underserved communities and library burn-out.
Jason received his MLIS degree and a MA in History from The University of Alabama. Prior to his graduate work, he received a BA in History and Political Science also from The University of Alabama. In his spare time, he explores the local food scene in Orlando, herds cats and dogs, and enjoys the outdoors and traveling to scenic spots.
Phillips, J. D., Pitts, L., and Riedmuller, J., and Warren, J. (2024). Keeping the Light On: Academic Librarians, Politics, and Burnout. The Southeastern Librarian. 72(1), 5-11. https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/seln/vol72/iss1/9
Phillips, J. D., & Price, A. N. (2012). Selected List of GLBT Academic Journals. Serials Librarian. 63(1), 55-81. https://doi.org/10.1080/0361526X.2011.591179
Phillips, J. D., & Price, A. N. (2012). Selected List of GLBT Popular Periodicals.” Serials Librarian. 63(1), 82-101. https://doi.org/10.1080/0361526X.2011.591911
Phillips, J. D., & Delgado, L. (2010). Selected List of Periodicals on Hawaii, the American Virgin Islands, and Their Culture. Serials Librarian, 59(1), 118–135. https://doi.org/10.1080/03615260903534916
Phillips, J. D. (2011). It’s Okay to BE Gay…: A Librarian’s Journey to Acceptance and Activism. In T. Nectoux (Ed.), Out Behind the Desk: Workplace Issues for LGBTQ Librarians, (pp. 33-47). Series on Gender and Sexuality in Librarianship, no. 1. Duluth, MN: Library Juice Press.
Ruud, J. and Phillips, J. D. (202?). Feeling Imposter Syndrome and Burnout? Time to Burn It Down and Get Back to Basics. In Martin, J. (Ed.), Creating Healthy Library Workplaces: Five Factors That Improve Employee Engagement and Satisfaction. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing. (First Draft submitted 09/06/2024).
Phillips, J. D. and Ruud, J. (Eds.). (2024). Censorship Is a Drag: LGBTQ Materials and Programming Under Siege in Academic Libraries. Series on Gender and Sexuality in Librarianship, no. 14. Duluth, MN: Litwin Books and Library Juice Press. (Pending Publication – Fall 2024).
Phillips, J. D. and Ruud, J. (2024). Building and Defending LGBTQ+ Collections. In Phillips, J. D. and Ruud, J. (Eds.), Censorship Is a Drag: LGBTQ Materials and Programming Under Siege in Academic Libraries. Series on Gender and Sexuality in Librarianship, no. 14. Duluth, MN: Litwin Books and Library Juice Press. (Pending Publication – Fall 2024).
Phillips, J. D. (2024). Enemies Within the Gates: Contending with Internal Censorship Challenges. In Phillips, J. D. and Ruud, J. (Eds.), Censorship Is a Drag: LGBTQ Materials and Programming Under Siege in Academic Libraries. Series on Gender and Sexuality in Librarianship, no. 14. Duluth, MN: Litwin Books and Library Juice Press. (Pending Publication – Fall 2024).
Phillips, J. D. and Ruud, J. (2024). At What Cost? The Personal Stakes of Intellectual Freedom. In Phillips, J. D. and Ruud, J. (Eds.), Censorship Is a Drag: LGBTQ Materials and Programming Under Siege in Academic Libraries. Series on Gender and Sexuality in Librarianship, no. 14. Duluth, MN: Litwin Books and Library Juice Press. (Pending Publication – Fall 2024).
Phillips, J. D., Ruud, J. and Stancil, N. (Eds.), (2026). Potions, Powers, and Prejudice: Reassessing Harry Potter. Series on Gender and Sexuality in Librarianship. Duluth, MN: Litwin Books and Library Juice Press. (Signed contract with publisher).
Simonis, J., Phillips, J. D., and Briggs, E. (2010). Stonewall Book Awards Announced.
Cognotes, (4), 6 and 8. https://alair.ala.org/handle/11213/5402
Phillips, J. D. (2009). Review of I Do!: An Anthology in Support of Marriage Equality, ed. Kris Jacen. GLBTRT Newsletter, 8. https://www.ala.org/rt/sites/ala.org.rt/files/content/newsletter/newsletters/spring09.pdf
Blue, J, Phillips, J. D., and Taber, K. (2021). Addressing the Complexities of Creating an Inclusive Campus for Transgender People. Pre-Conference Proceedings at The 5th Bullying, Incivility, and Violence in Adult, Higher, Continuing, and Professional Education Pre-Conference, Vancouver, BC. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/ucfscholar/1248/
Phillips, J. D. (2008). Rumblings of Revolt: Frank M. Dixon, Governor of Alabama from 1939-1943, and the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama, [Unpublished manuscript]. Department of History, University of Alabama.
Nairn, S., Jones, T., Phillips, J. D., and Schmill, D., (2024, June 20). Gender-Targeted Substance Use Interventions for Young Women/Females and Trans Women: A Scoping Review. [Paper Presentation]. Turning the Tide Towards Queer Health II: Queering Health Interventions [Panel], Canadian Sociological Association, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec. https://www.csa-scs.ca/conference/session/hea5b-turning-the-tide-towards-queer-health-ii-queering-health-interventions
Phillips, J. D., Pitts, L., Riedmuller, J., and Warren, Joanna. (2023, October 14). Keeping the Light On: Academic Librarians, Politics, and Burnout. [Discussion Panel]. Arkansas Library Association / Southeastern Library Association Conference, Hot Springs, AR. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/ucfscholar/1250/
Blue, J., Phillips, J. D., and Taber, K. (2021, June 3). Addressing the Complexities of Creating an Inclusive Campus for Transgender People. Pre-conference presentation at The 5th Bullying, Incivility, and Violence in Adult, Higher, Continuing, and Professional Education Pre-Conference, Vancouver, BC. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/ucfscholar/1249/
Li, J., Phillips J. D., and Fletcher, C. (2010, June 14). Linking Arms During the Recession: Interdepartmental Collaboration in Virtual Business Outreach Beyond University Borders. Poster session presented at the 2010 Special Library Association Conference – Business & Finance Division, New Orleans, LA.
Phillips, J. D., Fletcher, C., and Li, J. (2009, October 21). Weathering the Economic Crisis in Mississippi: Engaging the Community Beyond the University Borders. Poster session presented at the 2009 Mississippi Library Association Annual Conference, Hattiesburg, MS.
Garner, C., Dancel, C., Phillips, J. D., and Saclolo, C. (2025, May 14-16). The Fundamentals to Reintroducing Fun at Work: A Collaborative Team Approach to Addressing Library Staff Dissatisfaction, Unhappiness, and Burnout. Presentation at the 2025 Florida Library Association Conference, Orlando, FL. (proposal submitted – September 2024)
Bishop, C., Phillips, J. D., and Todd, A. (2024, June 20). Evidence Synthesis. Stay Savvy Series, University of Central Florida Libraries, Orlando, FL.
Bishop, C., Phillips, J. D., and Todd, A. (2024, May 8). Evidence Synthesis Reviews and Library Support Models: Lessons Learned and Next Steps. Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Summer Institute, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL. https://fctl.ucf.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2024/05/Summer_Institute_2024_Agenda.pdf
Bishop, C., Phillips, J. D., and Todd, A. (2023, May 9). Literature Reviews & Library Support Models. Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Summer Institute, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL. https://fctl.ucf.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2023/05/2023-UCF-Summer-Institute-Agenda.pdf
Phillips, J. D. and Todd, A. (2022, May 10). Maximizing Curriculum Mapping with Library Resources. Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Summer Institute, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/ucfscholar/1090/
Lawrence, L. and Phillips, J. D. (2019, October 16). Mentoring and Collaborating with Undergraduate Students. Gender & Intersectional Feminism Brown Bag Series, University of Arkansas – Fort Smith, Fort Smith, AR.
Phillips, J. D. and Price, A. N. (2006, December). New Neighbors in the Heart of Dixie: Public Libraries Services for Latinos in Alabama. Poster session presented at The University of Alabama’s School of Library Science, Tuscaloosa, AL.