Preserving and Disseminating
Make sure your hard work is safe and preserved in an organized, efficient way. If it is stored or shared in an accessible location, then your works are easily disseminated to impact worldwide scholarship.
Steps are listed according to the Research Lifecycle. “Preserving and Disseminating” refers to part of the 21st Century Digital Scholarship Cycle.
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Metadata Support
Metadata is data about data. It is associated with an object, a document, or a dataset for purposes of description, administration, technical functionality, and preservation. We provide metadata consultation for students and faculty and assist in metadata production for your publications, images, and other work deposited in the library’s content management systems.
Services and tools:
- Contact Sai Deng for metadata consultations on metadata standards and their implementations, controlled vocabularies and thesauri, and other metadata work to improve search and retrieval of data.
- Contact Sai Deng for assistance creating and enriching metadata for your research work and publications (refer to Metadata FAQ, Metadata Guide for STARS).
- Contact Sai Deng for help checking and performing authority control, applying and developing controlled vocabularies and thesauri to facilitate data indexing and retrieval, and preparing metadata for deposit into digital repositories.
Research Guide: Metadata
Digital Repository
Digital repositories can be institutional or disciplinary. The institutional repository at UCF is called STARS, and it accepts submissions from faculty, staff, students, and UCF affiliates. Using a digital repository helps your scholarship, creative works, and research become easier to find and disseminate.
Services and tools:
- View STARS to see if your work can fit into their current collections, suggest a new collection, submit your works, or contact them at
- Learn about SelectedWorks and create an account to share your scholarship and connect to your works in STARS.
- Search OpenDOAR to see other academic open access repositories.
Long Term Preservation
A preservation plan for your research helps to ensure the future use of your data and materials. Depending on the format of data, document, or other scholarship you want to preserve, expertise may be found in different areas of the UCF Libraries. While UCF does not fully support long term preservation at this time, decisions for care are made on a case-by-case basis.
Services and tools:
- Contact Lee Dotson to discuss digital preservation options.
- Submit Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI)-related work for inclusion in Latino Legacy at UCF: Dr. Cyndia Morales Muñiz’s Collection.
Data Curation and Sharing
This is currently not supported. For more information, please contact Sarah Norris.
Grant Conclusion
Important steps are taken near the end of your award period. The Office of Research can be required to submit invoices, reports, and other materials according to sponsor requirements. Information about your responsibility with this phase, as well as considerations for technology transfer, are found below.
Services and tools:
- Investigate Technology Transfer to learn about patenting or commercializing your discovery or invention.
- Know your responsibilities for Award Closeout as your project nears its end.
Research Guides: Patents | Trademarks