Jon Hanie
- Library Technical Assistant I
- Access Services
- John C. Hitt Library,
Room 206B - 407-823-6288
- Jonathan.Hanie@ucf.edu
Staff Directory
What are your main job responsibilities?
check out books, recommend books, help with fines, direct to other departments as needed.
What is your favorite part of working at the library?
The books and movies are many here. Love to read and watch TV! Love to recommend books and videos!
What does working at a library mean to you?
Being able to have access to a plethora of valuable materials for learning.
Which four individuals, living or dead, would you like to eat dinner with the most?
Falco, Robin Cook (writer), Erich von Daniken and my wife!
What is your favorite book?
Plum Island by Nelson DeMille