Lily Dubach
- Textbook Affordability Librarian
- Assistant Librarian
- Learning Engagement
- John C. Hitt Library
Suite 330 - 407-823-0538
- lily@ucf.edu
- Units & Groups: All Librarians, Subject Librarians
Staff Directory
Lily Dubach is the Textbook Affordability Librarian. She collaborates with teaching faculty, instructional designers, librarians and library staff, and pertinent campus units to promote and transition traditional course content to affordable textbook alternatives such as open educational resources (OER) and library-sourced eBooks and materials. She tracks these adoptions, calculates savings, and disseminates results. Find out more on the library’s Textbook Affordability site.
Lily is also the subject librarian for Communication Sciences & Disorders at the main campus and online. In this role, she collaborates with faculty, does library instruction for courses, develops the library book collection, and provides one-on-one consultations for students.
After completing her A.A. from Lake Sumter State College, Lily transferred as a DirectConnect to UCF student and completed a Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences & Disorders. Lily earned her Master of Science in Information from Florida State University in 2017. She started working for the UCF Libraries as staff in 2014, became the UCF Connect Librarian for the Valencia West Campus in September 2017, then transitioned to Textbook Affordability Librarian in May 2021.