Special Collections & University Archives - University Archives

Records Transfer

Thank you for considering your role as a donor to the University Archives. Philanthropic support from our alumni, friends, and colleagues will ensure that the University Archives continues to acquire, preserve, and maintain materials that document the history of FTU, UCF, and the Central Florida region. As our charter and early faculty and staff turn to retirement, please help us preserve the University’s traditions by documenting the institutional memory of FTU and UCF. If you or someone you know was a part of the University community through administration, colleges, departments, institutes, centers, organizations, or involved with student life and collected materials during that time, please contact the University Archives if you want to donate those collected materials.

The University Archives collects only those physical and digital records that are prepared, owned, used, in the possession of, or retained by administrators, faculty acting in administrative capacities, staff of university units in the performance of an official function, students in registered student organization, and others affiliated with the university that have enduring historical or administrative value. For more information, please see the University Archives Policy.

Materials of historical interest may include:

  • administrative files
  • brochures
  • financial documents
  • mission statements
  • multimedia materials
  • newsletters
  • photographs
  • publications
  • reports
  • self-studies
  • statistics
  • strategic plans

Records may be in any physical format, and are appraised for their content and historical value.

Records are initially created and retained in administrative offices or departments. Frequency of use and availability of space help determine if records should be retained in the office or offered to the University Archives.

When an administrative office or department defines inactive records of historical value, or needs any the department should contact the University Archivist for assistance. Inactive records of enduring historical value will be selected for transfer to the University Archives in consultation with the originating campus unit and the University Archivist through a process of archival appraisal. An electronic file list of the records with dates of record generation greatly assists with the appraisal process.

The University Archivist will provide guidance on selecting records for inclusion in the University Archives. Once it is determined that the records will go to the University Archives, guidelines for the transfer of records will be provided to the office. A records transfer agreement will be completed once the records have been received and accessioned by the University Archives.

The University Records Management Liaison Officer (RMLO) advises on the retention and disposition of public records not selected by the University Archivist. See Records Management Policy, Number 4010.

When processed by the University Archives, University records of enduring value will be stored in secured stacks, cataloged in the University of Central Florida Libraries online catalog, and made available to the university and wider community. The University Archives offers reference service to the generating university office for their records held by the Archives.

Please contact the University Archivist to transfer your materials.

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